Pearl Buck Center Jobs

Pearl Buck Center Jobs

First 30 Pearl Buck Center Jobs

Preschool Lead Teacher
  • Full Time
  • Posted 07/18/2024
  • Pearl Buck Center
  • Eugene, OR

POSITION SUMMARY: Plans, organizes, implements and oversees all developmentally appropriatecurriculum and enrichment activities in a classroom setting for children from preschool throughkindergarten age; Provides a positive learning environment that supports children's social,...

Preschool Teacher
  • Full Time (30 hrs.)
  • Posted 07/18/2024
  • Pearl Buck Center
  • Eugene, OR

POSITION SUMMARY: The Preschool Teacher is responsible for providing a comprehensive early intervention preschool program for children whose parents have cognitive difficulties. The Teacher will support all aspects of the classroom which includes but not limited to classroom, playground...

Job Developer
  • Full Time
  • Posted 07/12/2024
  • Pearl Buck Center
  • Eugene, OR

POSITION SUMMARY: Job Development involves sourcing employment opportunities forindividuals with a variety of abilities. The Job Developer will make phone calls and personal contactswith local businesses to showcase the talents of the clients we serve. Job Developers will also work with clients...

Job Coach
  • Full Time
  • Posted 07/08/2024
  • Pearl Buck Center
  • Eugene, OR

POSITION SUMMARY:Job coaching involves mentoring individuals with a variety of abilities in a community employment setting. The job provides some flexibility in hours worked, variation in routine based on different job sites and a high level of satisfaction in seeing clients develop under your...

Parent Navigator
  • Full Time
  • Posted 07/08/2024
  • Pearl Buck Center
  • Eugene, OR

POSITION SUMMARY: The Parent Navigator is responsible for engaging with families and supporting them in their goals. They will advocate for them with local systems and help them access community resources. This position is responsible for providing intensive in-home services to parents with...

LEAP Direct Support Professional
  • Full Time (30 hrs.)
  • Posted 06/05/2024
  • Pearl Buck Center
  • Eugene, OR

The direct support staff instructs clients with severe/profound disabilities, who are also medically fragile, in self-care, leisure and social activities, pre-vocational and vocational skills, and mobility. The direct support staff works in both integrated settings and on the agency site with...

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